Borrowing from the Library

borrowing from the library page

Policy Updated: August 2024

Click the button matching your patron status to view your checkout options.

Go to checkout options for Undergraduate students and staff

Undergraduate Students & Staff

Go to checkout options for Graduate students, researchers, and librarians

Graduate Students, Researchers, & Librarians

Go to checkout options for faculty

Faculty & Professor Emeritus

Go to checkout options for UTD Retirees

UTD Retirees

Go to checkout options for visitors





undergraduate section header image

Undergraduate Students & Staff

50 Item Checkout Limit

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Main Stacks | McDermott Library 3rd & 4th floor, Callier Library Stacks
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Juvenile Collection | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Government Documents | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Periodicals | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Microform | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Reference Materials | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Maps | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Special Collections | McDermott Library 3rd floor and History of Aviation Collection SPN Reading Room 3020
In library use only.

Dry Erase Kit | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 4 hours
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $25.00**

Smart Room Accessories Kit | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 4 hours
Late Fine: $1.00 per minute, maximum $60.00**

Study Room Keys | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 30 minutes to 4 hours
Late Fine: $1.00 per minute, maximum $60.00**

Course Reserves – Hourly | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 2 hours, in library use only
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $70.00**

Course Reserves – Daily | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: varies – 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

Test Prep | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $35**

Note: Any Test Prep item that is more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost. The borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Interlibrary Loan Items | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: set by lending library
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**

Laptops and Accessories | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $25.00 per day, maximum $350.00**

Note: As stated in the Laptop Agreement Form, laptops and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Noise-Canceling Headphones | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 8 hours, no renewals but can be checked out again if others available
Late Fine: $0.50 per minute, maximum $20.00**

Note: If the headphones are 24 hours overdue, they will be declared lost, and the patron will be responsible for the $50.00 replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and $20.00 late fee.

DVD and Blu-Ray Player | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 7 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

DVDs, Blu-Rays, Audiobooks, Audio CDs | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $14.00**

Financial and Scientific Calculators | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $.50 per day, Maximum $7.00**

Note: As stated in the Calculator Agreement Form, calculators that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Graphing Calculator | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period 14 Days, 1 renewal
Late Fine $5.00 per day, Maximum $70.00

Note: As stated in the Calculator Agreement Form, calculators that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $20.00 per day, maximum $280.00**

Note: As stated in the Camera Agreement Form, cameras and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Webcams | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewals
Late Fine: $0.50/day, maximum $7.00**

Note: If any webcam is more than 14 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Media Reserves | Multimedia Library Services, MC2.408
Checkout Period: 4 hours – in media use only
Late Fine: $0.50 per minute, maximum $30.00**

Audiovisual | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 21 days
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Assessment Tests – Limit 3 | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $50.00**

*Total applied when the item is returned.
**Additional replacement and processing fees apply for lost items.


Visit the Circulation Policies page to learn more about your borrowing rights and responsibilities.


graduate section header image

Graduate Students, Researchers, & Librarians

150 Item Checkout Limit

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Main Stacks | McDermott Library 3rd & 4th floor, Callier Library
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Juvenile Collection | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Government Documents | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Periodicals | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Microform | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Reference Materials | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Maps | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Special Collections | McDermott Library 3rd floor and History of Aviation Collection SPN Reading Room 3020
In library use only.

Dry Erase Kit | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 4 hours
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $25.00**

Smart Room Accessories Kit | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 4 hours
Late Fine: $1.00 per minute, maximum $60.00**

Study Room Keys | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 30 minutes to 4 hours
Late Fine: $1.00 per minute, maximum $60.00**

Course Reserves – Hourly | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 2 hours, in library use only
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $70.00**

Course Reserves – Daily | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: varies – 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days
Late Fine: $10 per day, maximum $70.00**

Test Prep | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $35**

Note: Any Test Prep item that is more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost. The borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Interlibrary Loan Items | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: set by lending library
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**

Laptops and Accessories | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $25.00 per day, maximum $350.00**

Noise-Canceling Headphones | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 8 hours, no renewals but can be checked out again if others are available
Late Fine: $0.50 per minute, maximum $20.00**

Note: If the headphones are 24 hours overdue, they will be declared lost, and the patron will be responsible for the $50.00 replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and $20.00 late fee.

DVD and Blu-Ray Player | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

DVDs, Blu-Rays, Audiobooks, Audio CDs | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $14.00**

Financial and Scientific Calculators | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, Maximum $7.00**

Note: As stated in the Calculator Agreement Form, calculators that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Graphing Calculator | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period 14 Days, 1 renewal
Late Fine $5.00 per day, Maximum $70.00

Note: As stated in the Calculator Agreement Form, calculators that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $20.00 per day, maximum $280.00**

Note: As stated in the Camera Agreement Form, cameras and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Webcams | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewals
Late Fine: $0.50/day, maximum $7.00**

Note: If any webcam is more than 14 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Media Reserves | Multimedia Library Services, MC2.408
Checkout Period: 4 hours – in media use only
Late Fine: $0.50 per minute, maximum $30.00**

Audiovisual | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 21 days
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Assessment Tests – Limit 3 | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $50.00**

*Total applied when the item is returned.
**Additional replacement and processing fees apply for lost items.


Visit the Circulation Policies page to learn more about your borrowing rights and responsibilities.


faculty section header image

Faculty & Professor Emeritus

300 Item Checkout Limit

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Main Stacks | McDermott Library 3rd & 4th floor, Callier Library
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Juvenile Collection | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Government Documents | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Periodicals | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Microform | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Reference Materials | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Maps | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Special Collections | McDermott Library 3rd floor and History of Aviation Collection SPN Reading Room 3020
In library use only.

Course Reserves – Hourly | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 2 hours, in library use only.
Late Fine: $.10 per minute, maximum $70.00**

Course Reserves – Daily | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: varies – 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

Test Prep | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 1 semester, 5 renewals
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $35**

Note: Any Test Prep item that is more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost. The borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Interlibrary Loan Items | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: set by lending library
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**

Laptops and Accessories | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $25.00 per day, maximum $350.00**

Noise-Canceling Headphones | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 8 hours, no renewals but can be checked out again if others are available
Late Fine: $0.50 per minute, maximum $20.00**

Note: If the headphones are 24 hours overdue, they will be declared lost, and the patron will be responsible for the $50.00 replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and $20.00 late fee.

DVD and Blu-Ray Player | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 7 days, no renewal
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

DVDs, Blu-Rays, Audiobooks, Audio CDs | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $14.00**

Financial and Scientific Calculators | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, Maximum $7.00**

Note: As stated in the Calculator Agreement Form, calculators that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Graphing Calculator | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period 14 Days, 1 renewal
Late Fine $5.00 per day, Maximum $70.00

Note: As stated in the Camera Agreement Form, cameras and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

DSLR and Mirrorless Cameras | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $20.00 per day, maximum $280.00**

Note: As stated in the Camera Agreement Form, cameras and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Webcams | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $0.50/day, maximum $7.00**

Note: As stated in the Camera Agreement Form, cameras and/or accessories that are 14 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.

Media Reserves | Multimedia Library Services, MC2.408
Checkout Period: 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Audiovisual | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 21 days
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Assessment Tests – Limit 3 | Callier Library
Checkout Period: 7 days
Late Fine: $10.00 per day, maximum $50.00**

*Total applied when the item is returned.
**Additional replacement and processing fees apply for lost items.


Visit the Circulation Policies page to learn more about your borrowing rights and responsibilities.


retiree section header image

UTD Retirees

50 Item Checkout Limit

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UTD Retirees may only access McDermott Library’s electronic resources (databases, e-journals, and e-books) by using the Community User computers in the library. Due to legal agreements, they cannot be accessed off-campus. If you have questions concerning access to electronic resources, please contact Ask a Librarian Services.


Main Stacks | McDermott Library 3rd & 4th floor, Callier Library
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Juvenile Collection | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, 5 renewals
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Government Documents | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**
Recalled Overdue Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $30.00**

Periodicals | McDermott Library 2nd floor
McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only

Microform | McDermott Library 2nd floor
McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only

Reference Materials | McDermott Library 2nd floor
McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only

Maps | McDermott Library 2nd floor
McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only

Special Collections | McDermott Library 2nd floor
McDermott Library 3rd floor and History of Aviation Collection SPN Reading Room 3020
In library use only

Interlibrary Loan Items | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Services Desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout period: set by lending library
Late fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**

DVD and Blu-Ray Player | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $5.00 per day, maximum $70.00**

DVDs, Blu-Rays, Audiobooks, CDs | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 14 days, 1 renewal
Late Fine: $1.00 per day, maximum $14.00**

*Total applied when the item is returned.
**Additional replacement and processing fees apply for lost items.
***For Professor Emeritus, please refer to the Faculty section.
Visit the Circulation Policies page to learn more about your borrowing rights and responsibilities.


visitor section header image


5 Item Checkout Limit

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Visitors, including Alumni, must present a valid Comet Card, Friends of the Library card, or TexShare card (with valid Texas driver’s license or state ID) to borrow items from the library.

Message to our Graduates:
With your graduation comes some changes to your access to library resources. Due to legal agreements, your library access is restricted to on campus for all electronic resources (databases, datasets, ejournals, ebooks).

Visitors cannot check out media equipment.

All visitors will be referred to their local public library for ILL requests.

Visitors may check out audio CDs, Blu-Rays, DVDs and Videotapes for 4 hours, for use in the Multimedia Services room only.

Visiting Scholars must apply for a Comet Card through a university sponsor.

Learn how to get a TexShare card.

Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult to use the Community User Workstations.

Please note: Borrowing privileges for Community Users do not include offsite access to licensed electronic material (i.e. databases and ejournals), or on-site access to licensed resources that require UT Dallas authentication.


Main Stacks | McDermott Library 3rd & 4th floor, Callier Library
Checkout Period: 21 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**
(Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.)

Government Documents | McDermott Library 2nd floor
Checkout Period: 21 days, no renewals
Late Fine: $0.50 per day, maximum $30.00**

Periodicals | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Reference Materials | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Maps | McDermott Library 2nd floor
In library use only.

Special Collections | McDermott Library 3rd floor and History of Aviation Collection SPN Reading Room 3020
In library use only.

Public Computer Access – Community User | Services desk, McDermott Library 2nd floor lobby
Library 2nd floor lobby
Checkout Period: 2 hours
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $50.00**

DVD, Blu-Ray, Audio CD’s, Audiobooks, Videotape | Multimedia Library Services, MC 2.408
Checkout Period: 4 hours, no renewals- in Media use only
Late Fine: $0.10 per minute, maximum $50.00**

*Total applied when the item is returned.
**Additional replacement and processing fees apply for lost items.
***For Professor Emeritus, please refer to the Faculty section.


Visit the Circulation Policies page to learn more about your borrowing rights and responsibilities.


Page Last Updated: February 5, 2025