Where To Give

Eugene McDermott Library
Your gift to the Libraries at The University of Texas at Dallas will continue to build and preserve vast resources that serve the needs of our information community.
To make a donation, contact the Dean of Libraries, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Library Gifts”.
Dr. Ellen Safley
Dean of Libraries

Aviation Library
The General Aviation Collection covers all aspects of aviation not included in one of the major collections. It holds several hundred individual collections ranging from aviation pioneer Ormer Locklear to Braniff International.
To make a donation, contact the Special Collections Department, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Aviation Library Fund”.

Philatelic Research
The Wineburgh Philatelic Research Library is supported by its own endowment fund, created at its founding by Mr. Wineburgh. This fund continues to grow through the generosity of our many philatelic friends from around the country. The library also benefits from in-kind gifts of books, journals, and other materials on philately, postal history, and related subject areas.
To make a donation, contact the Special Collections Department, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Philatelic Research Fund”.

Air America Endowment Holding
The History of Aviation Archives is the official repository for Civil Air Transport (CAT) and Air America. The archives have considerable material about the operations of both airlines. The collection also includes a memorial commemorating the personnel who gave their lives while serving with CAT and Air America. Additional information on the CAT Association and the Air America Association can be found here along with a guide to the collections.
To make a donation, contact the Special Collections Department, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Air America Endowment Holding Fund”.

Doolittle Library
The History of Aviation Archives is home to the personal papers of General James H. “Jimmy” Doolittle. In addition to documents, photographs, and books, several of General Doolittle’s personal effects are on display including his Medal of Honor.
To make a donation, contact the Special Collections Department, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Doolittle Library Fund”.

Jalonick Memorial
The George W. Jalonick III and Dorothy Cockrell Jalonick Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series was established to inform and enlighten the public about the history of night by bringing aviation notables to the Dallas community. Dorothy and George Jalonick III were special friends of The University of Texas at Dallas and the History of Aviation Collection (HAC). The is series was endowed in their memory by the late George W. Jalonick IV and friends of the Jalonick family.
To make a donation, contact the Special Collections Department, or click the “Give Now” button and select the designation “Jalonick Memorial Fund”.
Page Last Updated: November 6, 2023