Circulation Policies

Policy Updated: February 2025


Borrower Responsibilities

Borrowers are responsible for any materials checked out on their library cards, including materials from other libraries. This includes returning or renewing materials by the due date and time, returning items in the condition in which they were borrowed, and being accountable for overdue fines or fees.

Patrons are sent an email receipt that indicates when the materials are due. Borrowers also receive a monthly email that lists the titles and due dates of the materials they have checked out. The Library will also e-mail notices to borrowers when materials are recalled. [See Recalls section below]. Users are responsible for monitoring their UTD email accounts for any notifications about due date/time changes, courtesy reminders, and overdue items.

A faculty member may appoint students or staff members as a proxy patron to check out materials on the Faculty member’s account. Proxy patrons must be UT Dallas students or staff with a valid current UTD ID (Comet Card) and must be approved by the Head of Access Services.

The Library sends notices as a courtesy only. The Library is NOT responsible for non-delivery of notices. Please advise the Library of a change in contact information to ensure your notices arrive.

Proxy requests can be sent to All proxies must be active UTD students, faculty, or staff members.

In accordance with the Attorney General of Texas Open Record Decision No. 100, the UT Dallas Libraries will not release information about a borrower including name, UTD ID, or check out information.

Items due on days when the library is closed will be considered due on the next open day. Any fines that accumulate during the closure will be waived.



Borrowers may renew materials through Discover, at the Services Desk, or via phone at (972) 883-2955. There are limits on renewals based on borrower level and the type of item. The item will not be renewed if it has been recalled for another borrower, if borrowing privileges have expired, if fine limits are exceeded, or if the patron has overdue items. For questions about fines or checkout periods please refer to the Borrowing From the Library list.


End of Semester Auto-Renewals

  • Continuing Faculty and graduate students’ borrowed items will renew automatically at the end of each semester as a courtesy.
  • Borrowers are responsible for ensuring their items are renewed.
  • Renewal is prevented by fines, blocks, overdue items, recalls, or reaching the 6-renewal limit.
  • Graduate students must be fully enrolled for the next semester to get auto-renewal.
  • Interlibrary loan (ILL) books do not renew automatically.
  • Borrowers must pay late fines if renewal fails.



A recall allows a patron to request most materials that are checked out or the library staff to request materials for course reserves. Recalled items may not be renewed. Recall requests may be submitted through Discover or by calling the Information Desk at (972) 883-2955. The initial borrower will be notified by email of any due date change. Borrowers with semester-long checkouts will be given 21 days to return a recalled item. If the item is not returned by the new due date, recall fines of $1/day go into effect. When the item is returned, the requestor is notified by email, and the item is held at the Services Desk for 7 days.


Missing, Lost, and Damaged Materials

If material is missing from the shelves, library staff will conduct a search by request at the Services Desk. If located, library staff will notify the requestor of the results and hold the material at the Services Desk for 7 days.

Materials that are long overdue will be declared lost. If an item that a borrower has checked out is lost or irreparably damaged, the borrower will be assessed a replacement fee that reflects the replacement cost of the material as determined by the library. In addition to replacement fees, the borrower will be assessed a $25 processing fee, as well as any existing overdue fines.

Items more than 30 days overdue will be considered lost, and the borrower will be responsible for the replacement costs, a $25 processing fee, and any applicable late fees.


Charges for Damaged Materials

Borrowers are not charged for normal wear and tear. However, the following conditions do not constitute normal wear and tear and may result in repair or replacement charges.

  • Wet or Moldy Materials
  • Materials damaged by food or chemicals or that have an oily or sticky residue
  • Materials missing pages or covers
  • Materials containing markings by pencils, ink or highlight marker
  • Material showing tears, cuts, graffiti or other unusual damage
  • Materials showing insect or animal damage
  • Broken or missing equipment


Damaged items will not be returned to patrons and replacement copies will not be accepted.

Library privileges may be suspended for borrowers who fail to abide by this policy or who have unpaid library charges. The Library will block a borrower’s course registration or issuance of transcripts for any library account that includes unpaid charges totaling over $1.

Inquiries concerning a fine or suspension of privileges should be made at the Services Desk or submitted through an Appeal A Library Fine form.

Page Last Updated: February 28, 2025