McDermott Library and Chessfest

Hundreds of students and members of the community visited McDermott Library for an event this week involving the UTD Chess Team. The event which has been held annually up to the pandemic was restarted this spring and brings chess fans together with Team members.

Members of the UTD Chess Team, Grandmaster Ivan Schitco and International Master Andrei Macovei, challenged the audience to a series of matches. The members of the UTD Chess Team were blindfolded during the event.

How does it work? An assistant relates the opponent’s move to the Team member. Then, the Team member voices their move to the assistant who moves their piece. Ivan and Andrei successfully defended the Team record.

Observers were treated to chess-shaped cookies and a reading list of books available in the library for those with an interest in chess or who are wanting to improve their strategies.

The Library hopes to sponsor additional events highlighting our great Chess Team. Go Comets!

Page Last Updated: November 6, 2023